
Book Review: 2-11 "DIANA"

I like Diana very much, because she was very beautiful princess. Many people of many countries carried flowers when Diana died. They waited in the streets all night. They talked about Diana and remember her. They said goodbye to her. Why did people love her so much? Diana Princess of Wales died in a car accident in Paris on 31 August 1997. Diana was rich and beautiful. She had many rich and famous friends, but she liked ordinary people, too. When she was young she always loved children, and wanted to help them. So, she worked with many charities to help children in hospital. The Queen and Prince Charles often visit hospitals and help charities. A lot of people started to give money to Diana's charities. She wanted to give them love. Sometimes she hugged them with her arms. She tried to make them happy. Also, when Diana visited the AIDS hospital, she wasn't afraid. The people with AIDS loved her. Diana's life was certainly very difficult at times. She was just twenty years old when she married Prince Charles. So, did the photographers, who followed her everywhere even on that terrible night in Paris when Diana's young life ended.

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