

I like broiled meat very much, because I like meat. Broiled meat is very delicious and a feeling of fullness after eating for me.

My favorite broiled meat restaurant is "Kirito". Kirito is situated mawatari in Kumamoto. Kirito is open every day beside December 31th and New Year's Day. I have been to there for the first time one year ago. My boyfriend working part time at Kirito, so I went along to the Kirito with him. People who working at Kirito is very kind and vigor. Kirito's meat is very delicious. Also, beside meat food are very delicious too.
My favorite meat is Karubi and Torimomo. I always eat it when I go to Kirito. My favorito beside meat food is Namuru. It taste is very good. Kirito's namuru is the most delicious all of the broiled meat restaurant. I like Namuru very much. Other my favorite food is bibinba. Especially, I like mushroom bibinba. I don't like mushroom, but I like mushroom bibinba very much. I want to know that a recipe for mushroom bibinba. I go to Kirito with my boyfriend or my friends. Kirito steady for me. I am friends with people who working at Kirito.

2 件のコメント:

Satoshi さんのコメント...

Hi! I'm Satoshi. I didn't know about Kirito until I read your essay. I like and bibinba too♪ However, I have never had mushroom bibinba. Does it taste good!?

Makko さんのコメント...

Hello. This is Makiko.
Please nice to meet you.
I surprised your blog because I heve never heared mushroom bibinba.
But it seems very delicious(^_^)
I want to eat it someday!!