

2.1. Your first comment on your instructor's blog:
  • Title of post with link: Title+link
  • Date of post: 2007.mm.dd
  • Date of your first comment: 2007.mm.dd
  • Number of words in your first comment: nn words
  • Do you believe that was a good comment? Why or why not?
    • ...
2.2. Your best comment on a classmate's blog
  • Title of post with link: Title+link
  • Date of post: 2007.mm.dd
  • Date of best comment: 2007.mm.dd
  • Number of words in best comment: nn words
  • Why do you believe that is a good comment?
    • ...
2.3. The best comment by a classmate on your blog
  • Title of post with link: Title+link
  • Date of post: 2007.mm.dd
  • Date of best comment: 2007.mm.dd
  • Number of words in best comment: nn words
  • Why do you believe that is a good comment?
    • ...
2.4. The greatest numbers of comments on your blog

2.4.1. The greatest number of comments on any of your essays
  • Title of your essay with link: Title+link
  • Date of essay: 2007.mm.dd
  • The total number of comments on that essay: n comments
  • Best comment on that essay by a classmate: BloggerID
  • Date of best comment on that essay: 2007.mm.dd
  • When did you respond to those comments? 2007.mm.dd
  • What did you do in response to those comments?
    • ...
2.4.2. Greatest number of comments on any of your other posts
  • Title of your post with link: Title+link
  • Date of post: 2007.mm.dd
  • The total number of comments on that post: n comments
  • Best comment on that post by a classmate (Blogger ID):
  • Date of best comment on that post: 2007.mm.dd
  • When did you respond to those comments? 2007.mm.dd
  • What did you do in response to those comments?
    • ...
2.5. Additional reflections on blog comments:

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